The Oddodile
cover image from the book, The Oddodile

The Oddodile


image set

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The Oddodile

After falling on Snarlers, a huge fierce and seriously bad tempered monster of an alligator, Oddi finds himself up a tree.
As a young alligator and bored with normal life in the colony, Oddi, as he comes to be known, started learning to climb. Not being a naturally gifted climber, Oddi falls quite often. On this occasion he landed on the snout of the Snarliegator who chases him up a tree and says that he will eat Oddi when he comes down
So begins a life in the trees.

Kenneth Neurath

This is a nice pseudonym for a Scottish artist designer active in other fields of work. It was felt that there might be a clash of interests between my normal work and the story, stories of climbing alligators.
My work is wide and various and this story appeared following a chance remark that lead to another story in which the character of the Oddodile appeared. I was intrigued by the idea and allowed the story to develop over a long time period. I like the character, characters who appear within the story. The story has an inner logic and a kind of life concept. It draws inspiration from such books as Winnie the Pooh and The Jungle Book and should be seen as a bit of fun. My normal artistic work doesn't really permit too much humour.
I have used unconventional language as a way of looking at the world from a slightly different non-human perspective. I have no great expectations for this book, but I felt that it could and should be out there.
Thanks to modern technology, it is possible to self publish quite easily. Originally, I intended just to launch the text only book on Ki ndle and get around to an illustrated version when I have time. However, there was an option to have a paperback printed and delivered, and this I tried. When I am near my main computer again, I will add a coversheet and website details and so on, but this is not possible at present. But now that I have completed this story, I have started the continuation.
The first chapter is included here. I will also add a A4 and A3 pdf. colouring book of a simplified first chapter for download.
I will add illustrations here as and when I have them to enhance the experience of understanding the book.
This is how the book can be bought Product details
Format: Kindle Edition
File Size: 1488 KB
Print Length: 115 pages
Page Numbers Source ISBN: 1521325642
Sold by: Amazon Media EU S.à r.l.
Language: English
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